We recommend following healthy energy-controlled diet and physical activity.
This product is not available for purchase by the general public.
Patient results and experience may vary.
The findings showed consistent outcomes across clinical studies.

Look different, feel different

It does not matter what your BMI is. Circumference reduction of your waist and thigh will boost your confidence!

Frequently asked questions
Am I A Candidate?

BTL VANQUISH ME treatments are designed for those who want to decrease the circumference of their abdomen and thighs – regardless of their BMI. The BTL VANQUISH ME is an option for those who desire aesthetic improvement without the cost and recovery time of surgery.

What Is The Treatment Time?

Your provider will tailor a treatment plan for you. Most patients undergo 4 treatments scheduled 1 week apart. Each therapy session takes approximately 30-45 minutes.

What Does It Feel Like?

Comfort is the main advantage of BTL VANQUISH ME compared to some other shaping therapies. All you will typically feel is a warm sensation in the treated area which may last for a few hours post therapy. The treatment is performed in a lying position so you can easily relax during the procedure.

Is There Any Downtime? Any Pre/Post Treatment Preparation?

The whole procedure is non-invasive, contactless, and requires no recovery time. You can easily have the treatment during your lunch break, and return to your daily activities immediately.

How Fast Will I See Results?

Many patients report changes as soon as 2 to 3 weeks after the first treatment, when their body starts to naturally eliminate disrupted fat cells. Optimal results can be usually seen after a couple of months.